Internal Medicine
About specialty
Diagnosis and treatment of disease and other physical impairments.
What does internal medicine mean
Internal medicine (from Latin - Internus) is the oldest medical specialty. This is a general specialty which is usually chosen by doctors before deciding on more specific one. This specialty requires vast knowledge of anatomy, physiology and treatment of numerous diseases. It includes problems with cardiovascular system, respiratory tract, urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. Internal medicine doctors also look into problems within rheumatology, endocrinology, allergology, geriatrics, palliative care, toxicology and life saving procedures.
What does an internal medicine doctor do
Doctors in general internal medicine are trained to manage patients presenting with a wide range of acute and long term medical conditions and symptoms. They are often confused with General Practitioners, which is wrong because those are two different specialties. In the UK hospitals they are called “Physicians”.
Scope of treatment
- diagnosis and treatment of respiratory and gastrointestinal tract infections
- diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, ischemic heart disease, circulatory failure)
- treatment of gastrointestinal tract diseases (abdominal pain, stomach ulcers, diarrhoea, chronic constipation)
- chronic diseases’ treatment (e.g. diabetes)
- post hospitalisation care
- atherosclerosis prevention
- prescriptions and certificates
- ultrasound scans
Internal medicine doctor doesn’t focus on one organ. They perform a comprehensive assessment of the patient. They are interested in their both physical and metal condition. Therefore, very important is a detailed conversation during which the doctor asks questions which can help with diagnosis, reassures the patient and informs about their treatment options.
After the initial conversation the doctor will perform physical examination, which can include otoscopy, checking your BP, ultrasound scan or per rectum examination. You can also be referred to another specialist or for different tests.